
Our Experts, Your Health

The Health Halo Effect

A few months ago, I was working with a patient who wanted to lose 30 pounds. She was frustrated and could not understand why she was not losing weight because she was eating whole, organic, gluten-free foods. As our discussion continued it was evident she continue

5 most important nutrients and where to find them

The following are five nutrients that we can’t live without. Combined with water intake, these nutrients can provide your body the perfect recipe for a healthy life. Eating a variety of healthy foods, as well as balancing out your meals by providing protein, carbohydrates, and healthy continue

5 tips for a better breakfast

Your mother always said “breakfast is the most important meal of the day,” and she wasn’t entirely wrong. Breakfast can provide import fuel to start your day, prevent you from being overly hungry later, and even help to reduce cravings for unhealthy foods. However, what continue

Serving size vs portion size

Healthy eating includes making healthful food choices, which means knowing what and how much you eat. Do you know the difference between serving and portion sizes? While the terms serving and portion often are used interchangeably, they actually mean different things. A “serving” is the continue