
Our Experts, Your Health

5 most important nutrients and where to find them

The following are five nutrients that we can’t live without. Combined with water intake, these nutrients can provide your body the perfect recipe for a healthy life. Eating a variety of healthy foods, as well as balancing out your meals by providing protein, carbohydrates, and healthy continue

Three numbers and 4 tips everyone should know

Are you overwhelmed by daily decisions about what to eat, how much to eat, how much you should be exercising and what you can do to stay healthy?  With smartphones, electronics, and the internet, it’s easy to become confused about what to focus on.  It continue

What is Medical Weight Management?

Medical weight management can mean many different things.  For some, it’s a last effort to lose weight without surgery.  For some, it’s a little extra support on their journey.  For others, it means managing other health conditions that are causing or worsened by increased weight.  continue

Billings Clinic hosts expert panel discussion “Finding a Healthy Weight: Tools for Success”

Billings Clinic invites the public to a free lunch and interactive dialogue about “Finding a Healthy Weight: Tools for Success” on Wednesday, January 20, 2016 from noon- 1 p.m. at the Mary Alice Fortin Health Conference Center. During the event, an expert panel will talk about the continue

When diet and exercise aren’t enough

Losing weight is different for everyone. Many factors go into it including how much weight you want to lose, your genetics, build, medical history, and so on.  Like so many other things, what works for one person might not be a strong enough tool for continue

Get active to reduce your risk of stroke

As we wrap up National Stroke Awareness Month, I’d like to take an opportunity to share some things that everyone should know about healthy living and strokes.  Let’s start with the bad news.  Being overweight or obese increases your risk of having a stroke.  I continue

When your brain won’t pick up the phone for your gut

The important connection between our brain and our gut is far overlooked. The way in which our brain and stomach communicate is through hormones. In simple terms, think of hormone-gut communication happening via the telephone. Most of the time, our stomach is “on hold.” That’s continue

What does insurance cover?

A couple of years ago, the American Medical Association declared obesity a disease.  This move by the AMA is helping to advance treatment and coverage. It is important that we look at obesity as a chronic disease. There is no quick fix or permanent solution. continue