
Our Experts, Your Health

Fitness trackers: the good, the bad and the ugly

A quick search on for “fitness trackers” will give you over 53,000 results. The options are endless, ranging from $15 to $300 dollars. But is it worth the money? Will you become more fit by using a tracker? How can a tracker help you continue

What’s the real deal with carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates often have a bad reputation when it comes to weight loss and healthy eating, and it’s no wonder many people are confused about where to start.  The popularity of programs such as the Atkin’s Diet has led many to shun carbohydrates. The reason being continue

4 steps to a better self-image

What does it mean to be “fat”?  Yes, I used the “f” word (there are two “f” words I don’t like in my office – fat and fail, but that’s a whole other blog).  I don’t think “fat” has much to do with what you continue

10 tips to savor the flavor of eating right

“Savor the Flavor of Eating Right” is this year’s theme for National Nutrition Month in March, this is a campaign created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “Savor the Flavor” encourages us to take time to enjoy food traditions and appreciate the flavors and continue

Eat healthier with these 4 makeovers

Did you know that we have a food radius?  According to the book Slim by Design, we purchase and consume 80% of our calories within 5 miles of our home. The primary environments are home, office, dine-in, fast food, and the grocery store. If we continue

5 steps to making better goals

Spring is in the air, creating a new energy in many of us to get active and eat right. You might want to rush into an extreme diet and exercise plan, but research shows that setting SMART goals can lead to lasting changes that can continue

Billings Clinic hosts expert panel discussion “Finding a Healthy Weight: Tools for Success”

Billings Clinic invites the public to a free lunch and interactive dialogue about “Finding a Healthy Weight: Tools for Success” on Wednesday, January 20, 2016 from noon- 1 p.m. at the Mary Alice Fortin Health Conference Center. During the event, an expert panel will talk about the continue

5 mindfulness attitudes to help you meet your New Year’s resolution

It’s the beginning of a new year and time to at least think about some resolutions.  If you are like me, there is much ambivalence in establishing a goal that I am unlikely to complete. From studies I have read, only 45% percent of the continue

12 holiday gift ideas for people trying to lose weight and get healthy

Figuring out what gifts to give loved ones for holidays can be challenging, but it can be especially challenging when one or more of those loved ones are on a weight loss journey. Whether you are looking for a high or low budget gift, there continue

The magic pill myth

I think it’s fantastic when something inspires people to be healthier.   I’m pretty sure everyone enjoys that energized feeling when something we read or hear or see gives us a surge of energy or encourages us to think anything is possible. And there’s nothing wrong continue